
Cybersecurity is your number one priority in 2022. And Lan-Mark is here to help.

Are You Ready To Face a Ransomware Attack?

A criminal needs to conduct only one successful attack against your business to get rich.

Your business has to be successful in protecting against all attacks, all the time.

Top 5 Cybersecurity Challenges in 2022

According to a recent survey conducted by Microsoft, the top five security challenges in 2022, as reported by survey takers, are as follows:

It is not surprising that ransomware ended up on top of the list of IT security challenges in 2022. Ransomware attacks are accelerating. Recent high ransome payouts by big corporations and the existence of cryptocurrencies make ransomware very attractive for the threat actors. But the criminals currently target ransomware attacks not only towards big corporations. Smaller players nowadays use Ransomware as a Service to target small businesses. Ransomware as a Service (RaaS) is a business model between ransomware operators and affiliates in which affiliates pay to launch ransomware attacks developed by operators. Just like a variation of software as a service (e.g. Office 365) business model.
RaaS kits allow affiliates lacking the skill or time to develop their own ransomware variant to be up and running quickly and affordably. They are easy to find on the dark web, where they are advertised in the same way that goods are advertised on the legitimate web.
A RaaS kit may include 24/7 support, bundled offers, user reviews, forums, and other features identical to those offered by legitimate SaaS providers. The price of RaaS kits ranges from $40 per month to several thousand dollars – trivial amounts, considering that the average ransom demand in 2021 was $6 million. A threat actor doesn’t need every attack to become rich.

Other Common Security Threats

There are ways to minimize the risks. So give us a call. We will discuss with you potential cyber security risks in your environment and suggest mitigation steps. Even if you decide to address one attack vector, it will be an improvement.

We can do as little or as much as you want

Our Technology Partners

Lan-Mark is an authorized reseller for several top technology leaders in the cybersecurity and IT infrastructure field (according to Gartner Institute).
We choose our vendors wisely. It is easy to throw a lot of money to solve a problem. Achieving practically the same results but with a limited budget requires skills. As experienced IT professionals, we are able to fulfill the needs at a reasonable cost.

Abot Lan-Mark

Founded in 1996, initially as a part-time business, Lan-Mark serves clients in the Greater Toronto Area. Our passion and extensive experience with cybersecurity, IT infrastructure, integration, IT systems management, and troubleshooting make us true experts.

We are a confident technology partner. Our many long-term relationships are built on trust. Several of our clients have been with Lan-Mark for over 20 years; our first interactions occurred just before the year 2000 hype!

Our people are a handful of experienced IT engineers, formerly working for large corporations. The company does not have an office; we are a virtual business. It keeps our overheads low. We can pass the savings to our customers, and our prices are very reasonable.

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